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Feedback & Testimonials

Penny Kittle; author of Book Love, Write Beside Them, 180 Days, and more

“You have lots of smart things to say and experiences to share…”

“Fabulous, Erica.  This is a comprehensive look at what you’re doing and why… You are already doing amazing things in your classroom… You’re one of my heroes.”

Gerald Graff; co-author of They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing

“Erica Beaton … clearly gets it [teaching argument] and knows how to say it in ways teachers and students can grasp and find compelling.”

“Your…writings [are] gratifying to both of us–I’ve shared them with Cathy–not just because they’re favorable, but because you understand so well and at such a deep level the main things we’re trying to get across.”

Peter C. Brown; co-author of Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

“Your post “7 Strategies to Make Content Stick.” …apart from the generous praise, is just a standout for the ways in which you build on and extend the science to help your readers lean into it and apply it. In particular, I share your belief in the power of helping students to understand how learning works, and to get comfortable with non-intuitive strategies, so they can become the agents of their own success. Thank you.”

“Her knowledge was exactly what I needed to hear today. Our department is looking for ways to increase student literacy in our content, but we are not literacy teachers. Erica gave us some specific strategies and practices that I can use immediately in my class. Her presentation was thoughtful and had many resources that I can use. I appreciated that! I truly can’t express how wonderful this session was. I not feel like I have someone I can work with to help me navigate my standards/curriculum/classes. THANK YOU!!!”

– Michelle Jensky; high school Social Studies teacher

“What a wonderful presentation! Erica was so prepared and is so well-informed. She is a wealth of knowledge. There were so many good ideas and strategies that I can use in my classroom next year. I especially loved her examples and the treasure trove of books that she shared with us. In addition to an excellent presentation, Erica was very informative when we strayed from the agenda giving professional advice and guidance. Thank you so much!” 

– Jennifer Mesler; middle school Social Studies teacher

“Erica put together some helpful information for us to consider as we navigate through all of the demands of a the Social Studies classroom. I like how she broke information down into user friendly steps. She really seemed genuinely interested in helping us overcome the obstacles we deal with on a daily basis by offering up effective strategies.”

– Rachelle Howe; middle school Social Studies teacher